Tuesday, June 29, 2010

first is always the hardest

when one is to begin something, the starting point is always the hardest to set, put into play and accomplish. in the mind there is already some kind of goal set; whether it be big or small, we create an ideal ending to every situation. within this, I see this as a venture. writing is my P A S S i O N and I hold it very dear to my heart. those that have the overly creative juices flow understand what I mean. there are times when I just can't STOP thinking nor writing for anything. the main goal of my life is to W R i T E and lend an ear. I give advice to those as they go through all life's experiences. I have been told I am years beyond my age, but still keep an youthful appeal. life is a mystical, vastly open relm that has room for each to explore at their own time and leisure. however, if you become to lazy, you're forced in a direction that you rather not take. I guess all in all what I am trying to say is that the first step is always the hardest, it's not meant to be a leap. take your time to prepare, but too much times leads to an inevitable push forward that you may not be able to substain. .-aew 10